An easy and convenient way to create sitemap.xml file of your WordPress website structure. It also helps Google crawlers to index your website content more effectively and intelligently just in a few clicks of configuration.

Why You Need Our Sitemap

Sitemap plugin is the best way for you to inform search engines about all the pages that exist on your WordPress website.


Sitemap gives you the ability to inform search engines about the unindexed pages, so they can be indexed properly.


Sitemap helps search engines crawl new blog websites that don’t get many backlinks to their individual posts.


The engines will know when your site is updated and set a crawl rate to improve WordPress website visibility.

XML Sitemap

The easiest way to automatically create your WordPress website sitemap file. Help engines to crawl your site.

Amazing Ultimate Features


Sitemap plugin allows you not only to create your WordPress website sitemap file but also provides a number of powerful features.

  • Add to the Sitemap
    • Page
    • Post
    • Post category
    • Post tag
    • Custom post types
    • Custom post category & tag
  • Automatically add a sitemap file path to the robots.txt file
  • Set the maximum number of URLs in one sitemap file
  • Configure all subsites on the network

Easy & Powerful

Have a look at our awesome set of features which will make your website building more efficient than ever before.

Sitemap plugin has never been easier to configure and use! Only the necessary features will make working with it an unalloyed pleasure.

The plugin is compatible with all kinds of WordPress generated pages as well as custom URLs. Additionally, it notifies the search engines every time you create a new or update existing posts.


The sitemap file will be created automatically in the site root directory when you install and activate the plugin! You can easily view all the information that will be included in the file:

  • URL
  • Priority
  • Change frequency
  • Last Changed

Google Webmaster Tool helps the site owners to track site’s search performance and browse around for more webmaster resources. Our plugin makes it possible to add and manage your website info right from your WordPress dashboard!

Add, delete or get info about this website using your Google Webmaster Tools account!

webmaster tools sitemap

If your website has some non WordPress links that are just folders on a server and you would like to have such links in your sitemap file, then the Custom Links feature is right for you! You can easily add and manage custom links to include them in your sitemap file.


Sitemap plugin allows managing the structure of your sitemap file in the easiest and most convenient way. Just deselect the necessary post type you would like to exclude from your sitemap file and enjoy further website development.

display sitemap demo

Change Frequency Parameter is a feature to provide general information to search engines and tell them how frequently the page is likely to change.

It may not correlate exactly to how often they crawl the website but help the search engines set crawl rate for it to improve the overall website visibility.

sitemap settings demo change

The ability to determine the quality of images that will appear in search engine results. This not only offers better control over the site’s presentation in search results but also affects loading speed and bandwidth use for those previewing images directly from search engines.

sitemap image quality

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