Documentation and Tutorials for your BestWebSoft products

How to Install a WordPress Plugin

How to Purchase a WordPress

Plugin from BestWebSoft

Demo Product:


* Screenshots were taken from a PC

This​ ​is​ ​an​ ​example​ ​of​ ​how​ ​you​ ​can​ purchase ​any​ ​BestWebSoft

plugin​ ​right​ ​from​ ​BestWebSoft.com

1. Purchase BestWebSoft Pro plugin version from BestWebSoft.com

1.1. Go to the plugin page on our site. As the example we took Captcha plugin https://bestwebsoft.com/products/wordpress/plugins/captcha/

1.2. Find and click “View Pricing” button.

1.3. After clicking “View Pricing” button, you will be moved to the block where you can choose the necessary license and click “Add to card” button.

1.4. Then, click the “View cart” button to open the cart box.

1.5. Enter a valid email address twice and the quantity of products. Please check the data once more and click “Checkout”.  FYI - We do not accept any payments directly, it is only 2CO’s business. If you have any problems with your transaction, please contact 2CO support team.



1.6. You will be redirected to our purchase page at 2CO. Click “Continue to Billing Information”.


1.7. Fill out the required fields (marked with an asterisk *) and click “Continue to Billing Method”.


1.8. Select the method you like and fill out the obligatory fields with the information on your credit card. Click “Submit Payment”.


1.9. If you have any problems with your transaction, please contact 2CO support team.


1.10. If your payment has been submitted successfully, you will be redirected to our “Thank you” page.


1.11. After this procedure you will receive four emails (one from 2CO and three from BestWebSoft) where you can find the link to download the plugin’s archive and unique license key.

Notice: Please add listed email addresses ([email protected], [email protected]) to your Whitelist otherwise the following emails can be incidentally marked as spam.

1.12. Message from 2CO ([email protected])(it includes information on your purchase):

Order Number : 1234567890

BestWebSoft ( bestwebsoft.com )

Contents of your purchase :

Product ID : 70

Vendor Product ID : 00016

Product Description : Captcha plugin protects your Wordpress website forms from spam by means of math logic.

Product Name : Captcha Pro

Quantity : 1

Base Price : 19.90

Handling Fee : 0.00

Total : 19.9 ( USD )

Customer Information

Name Surname

IP:     IP Location: Country

[email protected]

Street 123



2Checkout.com ( 2CO ) and BestWebSoft thank you for your business.


2Checkout.com utilizes secure, encrypted servers when requesting

personal or 2Checkout.com account information.

Always confirm you are on 2Checkout.com before entering any information.

Please be aware that 2Checkout.com will never send an email requesting you

to visit an unsecured or unencrypted 2Checkout.com web page to

input personal or 2Checkout.com account information.

If you receive such an email, please forward it to [email protected] and

then delete it.


1.13. Messages from BestWebSoft ([email protected]):

The 1st letter from BestWebSoft


Thank you for purchasing the following product(-s) by BestWebSoft: Captcha Pro.

You will get another email with a download link once your payment will be approved.

Visit our Help Center if you have any questions, our friendly Support Team is happy to help — https://support.bestwebsoft.com


BestWebSoft Team

The 2nd letter from BestWebSoft


You became a user of our website https://bestwebsoft.com, because you have purchased our product.

For your convenience you can go to your Personal Page on our website, where you can view your purchase information and make the necessary changes.

Username: [email protected]

Password: 1234567890!

Thank you.

Yours faithfully,

BestWebSoft Team

The 3rd letter from BestWebSoft if your payment is approved by 2CO


Congratulations on your purchase of the product Captcha Pro

(1 unit(s)).

Download your products clicking the following links:

click for download

Or use your license key(-s):


Check our step-by-step instruction videos on YouTube and documentation on Google Drive.

Visit our Help Center if you have any questions, our friendly Support

Team is happy to help — http://support.bestwebsoft.com/


BestWebSoft Team

The 3rd letter from BestWebSoft if your payment is considered fraud by 2CO

Recently you tried to purchase the "Captcha Pro", but your payment has been determined as fraudulent by our provider - 2Checkout (2CO). Your money is not transferred to us, and they hold by 2CO. You will get an automatic refund in 2 days. No additional actions needed.

Please contact 2CO support team (https://www.2checkout.com/support) to find out why your payment was considered as fraud.

You can also try complete the purchase once again using another payment method (http://prntscr.com/93dc2a).


BestWebSoft Team

1.14. The download link will be sent in the third letter from BestWebSoft. Click it, select the place to save and click “Save”.


1.15. Make sure the plugin archive has appeared in your folder.


If you haven’t received your download link please follow the instructions below:

  1. Check your spam folder.
  2. You will get the download link after transaction review. Usually, it takes about 30 minutes to review one transaction.

You will receive a message with a download link to the email specified by you during the purchase.

Check your spam folder, the message can be there.

If you haven't got the download link within 24 hours, feel free to contact us. Please specify your name, email and order number. Submit a request


You can also download the product from your personal Client Area using the instruction below:

  1. Go to your personal Client Area.
  2. Enter your email (specified during the purchase) and password (reset the password if necessary)
  3. Go to the Client Area section and find appropriate product/license.
  4. Download the plugin.

 Additional resources:

Please note! If you don’t know how to install a plugin, please look at the following instruction - How to Install a WordPress Plugin

Thank you!

Help & Support

Visit our Help Center if you have any questions — https://support.bestwebsoft.com/


We provide additional services such as Wordpress themes & plugins development,

graphic design, custom programming.

Contact us now to get a free quote — https://bestwebsoft.com/contacts/

Help & Support

