Documentation and Tutorials for your BestWebSoft products

Renty V2

Car Rental & Booking WordPress Theme

WordPress version:



Car Rental V2 V0.01

 Slider V1.0.3

The following plugins are necessary for correctly theme work:

  1. Car Rental V2
  2. Slider

Recommended plugins:

  1. Gallery
  2. Relevant
  3. Subscriber
  4. Contact Form

Customizing the Home Page

Activate “Renty V2” theme through the “Themes” menu in WordPress Dashboard (Appearance -> Themes).

Install and activate required (and recommended) plugins.

Create new page in the WordPress Dashboard (Pages -> Add New). Add title and the template via “Page Attributes -> Template”, choose “Home Template”. Click “Publish”.

Open ”Settings”-> ”Reading” in WordPress Dashboard, find “Your homepage displays” option on the Reading Settings page, mark “A static page (select below)” checkbox  and choose created page in “Homepage” select box. Click “Save Changes”:  

Use widgets to add content to your homepage. To do this, go to the "Appearance -> Widgets" menu and add the necessary widgets to the "Home Page" block:

You can also add widgets to the “Renty Sidebar Left” and “Renty Sidebar Right”.

Customizing Slider plugin for Home page

Open ”Sliders”-> ”Global Settings” in the menu on your left, find “Enable Slider for Car Rental V2 Pro by BestWebSoft” option on the Slider Global Settings page and mark its checkbox.

Create a slider -> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1liDLFCg2T-VODcpvR7cYeNBKSmHcQCG6jA_0fawSkfw/edit

Open your slider and switch to the “Settings” tab. Find “Add Cars Search Form” option and mark the “Centered” radio button.

Open ”Sliders”-> ”Global Settings” in the menu on your left, find “Homepage Slider” option on the Slider Global Settings page and select the necessary slider.

Open ”Car Rental”-> ”Settings” in the menu on your left, find the “Slider” option on the Car Rental Settings page and mark its checkbox.

If you want to enable the  static header image on Products Search, Product Single, Checkout, Thank you pages, please follow the next steps:

  1. Go to the plugin settings page  (open ”Car Rental”-> ”Settings”);
  2. Open Custom code tab;
  3. Mark "Activate custom PHP code." checkbox in the "PHP" section;
  4. Add the following code:

global $bws_bkng_head_image;

$bws_bkng_head_image = 'imageURL'.

Where imageURL is the URL of the necessary image.

  1. Save changes.