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By creating a website for your very purpose the person makes them different. By using WordPress it becomes much easier to share your ideas with a wide range of people all around the world, create unique content, and even run a business online.

But the thing is to be seen and heard. When we talk about search engine optimization it is mostly about small changes in the parts of the website. You are likely not to notice them, but they will slowly affect the performance in search results.   

The first thing to learn is not to make the search engines friendly, but modify it so that the user performance and experience will be better after every circle of modifications. 

Our team is ready to present you with some steps that will influence your website in a good way and increase performance.

So, the main things are:

  • Create the right site hierarchy
  • Use the page linking rules
  • Try to use google-recommended link naming
  • Create a mobile-friendly version of the website
  • Analyze the website and the user behavior 

These actions are very simple to follow, but it’s worse!

Site Hierarchy 

Every website must have a logical structure, which helps users to understand where they should go in order to find something they are here about. 

It means that the site must have a home page – a start page, from where the user can get to all the pages the website has. For a good structure, it is recommended to group the pages with similar content and to create a page that describes the related pages. 

In that way, the user may simply find useful product information. 

For better indexing, it is important to have simple navigation for users that displays the structure of the website as a hierarchical list of the site’s pages. 

There are also a few things to avoid while creating a good and intuitive structure. First of all, you must avoid extra linking on a page. Do not link every page of a website to the other page to do the navigation extra clear and simple.

The other thing is not to use the navigation based on images or animation as it might be confusing as well. 

You must remember, you create a website for humans, not for machines. For bots to understand the hierarchy of the site – you must create and use a sitemap file, where all pages that must be indexing are listed. 

Doing this you can be sure – the rank of the website you optimize will increase.

Page Linking and Link Naming

Page naming is also an important step in the process of page creation. It is recommended by Google to use the “-” sign instead of the “_” one. For example, the link may look as follows “”, not as “”.

The other practice is to create URLs with the word, that is related to the content of the page. They will allow the search machines to understand the content of the page and doubtless, they are far more user-friendly for the customers.     

There are two types of linking available: internal and backlinks. It is important to use it cause multiple referring can be harmful to the site’s reputation. 

For the linking within the website is important to use the internal links. When a high amount of these links will point to particular page search machines understand that the page is important and might be referred to in case of an appropriate search request.

For the external linking backlinks exist. They are used to point from one website to another. The usage of backlinks is important as they create a great source of free traffic as an important component of Google’s search algorithm. 

The main thing to remember is: external links are for users and the websites you referred to, the internal links for your SEO.  

Mobile-Friendly Website

The world is going mobile either do the search machines! For a long time the search engines preferred to rank the websites which have a mobile version first, so if you have content that is popular enough – we recommend you to have the mobile version too to get higher chances to be in the top results. 

There are several ways to create a mobile version, but it must be set up correctly. The most popular and easy way to create a mobile version of a website is to create a responsive design, so you would just need to alter the rendering of the page using CSS.

It has a lot of cons and the main is that you need just a little time to maintain the page, as you need to enter the changes just for one file, and what is more – no need to redirect to the other pages, which positively affects load time. 

The other way is to create a different page with the other address for a mobile device and redirect the user there in case of need. This is also a well-known example of mobile-page optimization. 

In that case, you must set up the pages properly to let the machine know that this content may treat as one entity not to make your ranking lower.

Analyze the Website and User Behavior

If you do all the optimization right you might be curious about the users that come to your website. And this is also a step that may cause a big income to your website. And even understand what profit the previous optimization has given to you.

By using an analytics program you can research and understand how people get to your website, what steps they do or what pass they follow. 

The understanding of the users’ behavior on your website may even point you at some leaks and weak points that must be fixed for the improvement of performance. 

It might simply be the page, where you forgot to use meta tags or keywords in the description. And by checking the organic search results for every page you will get the answers. 

The point of user behavior analytics (UBA) is to get to know your user better. The analytics results may tell you why the people insects with your website and most likely to answer how they do this.

While the traditional way of analysis is to answer the “how” questions with numeric answers. 

The combination of his two kinds of research may give you a full and complete picture of the user experience on your website. 

What is more, by using UBA you can create Heat Maps that will point you to the most interacted objects of the website you optimize. So then you can adapt your website to the user’s behavior. 


So you see that the steps we offer are very simple to follow and the result would be significant. SEO today is one of the ground concepts of website and page creation. 

The process of getting traffic from the “free”, “organic” search results can increase your selling count and the other way of activities you are looking for. The analysts’ actions will help you to understand the future optimization actions and make your users happy with their product experience.

We hope this article will help you to increase your stats and ranking position. Stay on the top with us!

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