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One of the main challenges in the work of the UX-designer is the need for constant growth. It seems to me that every designer thinks that he can become better. Such a simple thing as habits will help you with this.

1. Set Goals

The design is training. Practice and self-education is the only thing that can make you better. However, this must be done effectively, setting the right goals.

  • Set priorities for your goals. There is an infinite number of tasks, which you can set for yourself. It’s easy to get lost in this sea of possibilities. You must understand what you really want to pump, and create an action plan.
  • Set challenging goals. Set tasks for yourself that will help you work effectively in a time-limited mode.

2. Learn the skills of storytelling

The designer does not strive to do a beautiful job but to strive to build effective communication. The best design solutions came from projects where people understood the story behind the product. That’s why storytelling is one of the basic skills of a UX designer. Telling stories, you have more chances to attract the audience.

3. Never stop at the first idea

Many UX / UI designers make the mistake of stopping at the first idea that came to mind. If you have only one idea, it is very difficult to decide whether it is good or not. Therefore, it is always better to have a few ideas for your project. This will help you compare and select the best ideas.

4. Avoid professional jargon

Build communication clearly and carefully, because if others do not understand the meaning of your words, it gives rise to errors and misunderstandings. Quick tip: A simple jargon tool will help you get rid of problems with professionalism. Every time you notice that colleagues do not understand your words – write these words on a piece of paper and put it in the jar. Analyze the contents of the banks regularly.

5. Take notes

A pen and a notepad should accompany you all the time. Do not rely solely on memory every time a good idea appears. Remember that our memory often makes mistakes. Instead, make a quick note or sketch in a notebook.

6. Learn how to make sketches

First, pencils, then pixels. Using a pencil and paper to develop ideas and test design, you will save a lot of time. This will simplify the next stage of the work when you move to the computer.

Great designers are not born – they become. We all have the opportunity to become even better, despite the way we have already passed.

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