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No need to say that starting your own project is very special and existing moment. The same could be said for launching a website. So many things you should think about and control that nothing is missed! Remember, quality is about details. This list will help you to checkup some important things and assure that your site stands up from its first days.


Backup for your site is like an insurance for your life: never know what will happen next moment, but at least you can be sure that it can be recovered. If something went wrong on your site, you can restore it within minutes. Pre consider this step carefully in order to prevent any data loss.


No matter are you running a small blog about traveling or a huge store with some stuff, it is necessary to protect your website from bots, hack attacks and banal spamming. There are a lot of tools which will help you with that. For example, Captcha protects your forms from spam entries, and Limit Attempts protects your website against brute force attacks.

404 Pages

Are there 404 pages? Check all your internal links and their correctness. After that, make sure that all of your pages are loading properly. Don’t create a bad user experience with error pages. If your site is added to Google Webmaster Tools, then it should be easier since it reports about such cases. And if it isn’t, and for some reason, you don’t want to add it, it is necessary to check your pages manually. In this case, start with the most important ones.

Images and Other Visual Content

Make sure that there are no broken images and all of them are loaded correctly, play all your videos, and the slider is working. And, of course, you should do that on all browser and devices.


While checking the content, ensure that all the links are added correctly and complete their main function perfectly. As 404 pages, broken links create a bad impression and can perplex the navigation process. No need to mention how bad are broken links for your SEO.


Test your registration/login forms, contact forms, comments forms, subscription forms and so on. If there are no errors and all requests are sent properly, that is great. Also, it would be great if you also check your email list by sending several test emails.

Social Integration

If you still have no social buttons on your site, add them immediately. Social media are important for successful promotion. Start with most popular social media like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and make sure that users can find a way to connect you via them.

Bonus Tip: It is highly recommended to connect your website to some analytic tool. The most popular one is Google Analytics. It allows you to track how users interact with your website – what pages they visit, what the read, how many time they spend on your site and much more. Having this data, you can consider what should be improved and what is already good enough.

That’s all! Your website is ready to meet with your first visitors and you may rest easy knowing that your website stands out.

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