Documentation and Tutorials for your BestWebSoft products

User Guide Relevant Plugin


User Guide



1.4.4 *


5.9.3 *

*When using other versions some differences are possible to occur

** Screenshots were taken from a PC

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. Related Posts

2.1. Title

2.2. Number of Posts

2.3. Data Rage

2.4. Display

2.5. Featured Image Placeholder URL

2.6. Featured Image Size

2.7. Excerpt Length

2.8. Read More Link Text

2.9. Search Related Words in

2.10. Current Category

2.11. Block Position

2.12. ”No Posts Found” Message

2.13. Search on Pages

3. Featured Posts

3.1. Number of Posts

3.2. Data Rage

3.3. Display

3.4. Featured Image Placeholder URL

3.5. Featured Image Size

3.6. Excerpt Length

3.7. Read More Link Text

3.8. Current Category

3.9. Block Position

3.10. Block Width

3.11. Content Block Width

3.12. Custom Style

3.13. Block Background Color

3.14. Text Background Color

3.15. Title Color

3.16. Text Color

3.17. “Learn More” Link Color

4. Latest Posts

4.1. Title

4.2. Number of Posts

4.3. Display

4.4. Featured Image URL

4.5. Featured Image Size

4.6. Excerpt Length

4.7. “Read More” Text

4.8. Current Category

4.9. Block Position

5. Popular Posts

5.1. Title

5.2. Number of Posts

5.3. Data Rage

5.4. Display

5.5. Featured Image URL

5.6. Featured Image Size

5.7. Min Posts Number

5.8. Excerpt Length

5.9. “Read More” Text

5.10. Sort Posts by Number of

5.11. Current Category

5.12. Block Position

6. Miscellaneous Settings

6.1 Track Usage

6.2 Default Settings

7. Custom Code

8. Add Relevant Posts Widgets

8.1. Popular Posts

8.2. Latest Posts

8.3. Related Posts

9. Shortcodes

9.1. Related Posts Shortcode

9.2. Featured Posts Shortcode

9.3. Latest Posts Shortcode

9.4. Popular Posts Shortcode

10. Single Post Settings

10.1. Related Posts

10.2. Featured Post

You can download Relevant Plugin here:


1. Introduction

Note: Сlick the “Save Changes” button in order to apply any changes.

1.1. Open your WordPress Admin Dashboard and find the menu on the left.

1.2. Go to the “Relevant Posts” > “Settings” on your dashboard.

1.3. The “Relevant Posts Settings” page will open.

2. Related Posts

Use the options of the “Related Posts Settings” tab to customize the related posts display.

2.1. Title

Use the “Title” option to set the title for the post group. Enter the necessary “Title” text into the appropriate option field.

2.1.1. The result of changing title may look on a page as follows.

2.2. Number of Posts

Use the “Number of Posts” option to set the number of posts displayed in the Related Posts block. Enter the necessary value into the “Number of Posts option box.

2.2.1. The result of changing the number of displaying posts may look on a page as follows.

2.3. Date Rage

Use the “Date Range” option to show only posts not older than the indicated time period.  

2.3.1. Select the appropriate date range from 3 days to 6 month or select “All” from the dropdown menu.

2.4. Display

Use the “Display” option to set the custom display of the related posts block.

2.4.1. Enable “Featured Image” to set the featured image to the related post.

2.4.2. The result of the featured image display may look on a page as follows.

2.4.3. Enable “Excerpt” to show the excerpt of the post.

2.4.4. The result of the excerpt display may look on a page as follows.

2.4.5. Enable “Post Date” to display the post date of the post.

2.4.6. The result of post date display may look on a page as follows.

2.4.7. Enable “Author” to show the author of the post.

2.4.8. The result of the author`s name display may look on a page as follows.

2.4.9. Enable “Reading Time” to show the approximate reading time of the post.

2.4.10. The result of approximate reading time display may look on a page as follows.

2.4.11. Enable “Comments Number” to display the selected number of comments.

2.4.12. The result of the comment number display may look on a page as follows.

2.5. Featured Image Placeholder URL

Use the “Featured Image Placeholder URL” option to set the featured image for the posts that do not have the featured image.

2.5.1. Insert the appropriate link to the necessary image into the option field.

2.5.2. The non-defined featured image may look on a page as follows.

2.6. Featured Image Size

Use the “Featured Image Size” option to set the size of the featured image.

2.6.1. Enter the desired height value into the appropriate option box.

2.6.2. Enter the necessary width value into the appropriate option box.

2.6.3. The result of size-settings may look on a page as follows.

2.7. Excerpt Length

Use the Excerpt Length” option to set the value of the excerpt length. Enter the necessary word count into the option box.

2.7.1. The result of changing the excerpt length may look on a page as follows.

2.8. Read More Link Text        

Use the “Read More Link Text” option to set the custom text for “Read More” link. Enter the desired value into the appropriate option field.

2.8.1. The display of the “Read more” block may look on the page as follows.


2.9. Search Related Words in

Use the “Search Relate Words in” option to customize the search of the related posts.

2.9.1. Choose the “Categories” to do the search in categories.

2.9.2. Choose the “Tags” for search in tags.

2.9.3. Сhoose the “Titles” to search for the articles with similar titles.

2.9.4. Choose the “Meta Key” to do the key search.

Note: Enable "Key" in the "Related Post" block which is located in the post you want to display.

2.10. Current Category

Enable the “Current Category” option to display posts from the current category only.

2.11. Block Position

Use the “Block Position” option to set the position of the related posts block.

2.11.1. Enable the “Before content” to place the block before content.

2.11.2. The block-display before content may look on a page as follows.

2.11.3. Enable the “After content” to place the block after content.

2.11.4. The block-display after content may look on a page as follows.

2.12. ”No Posts Found” Message

Use the “”No Posts Found” Message” option to set the custom message.

2.12.1. Enter the desired message into the appropriate option field.

2.12.2. The message display may look on a page as follows.

2.13. Search on Pages

Use the “Search on Pages” option to set the search on pages.

2.13.1. Enable the “Categories” to search similar categories on pages.

2.13.2. Enable the “Tags” to search tags on pages.

2.13.3. Enable the “Title” to search similar titles on pages.

2.13.4. Enable the “Meta Key” to search related words on pages.

3. Featured Posts 

Use the options of the “Featured Posts Settings” tab to customize the featured posts display.

3.1. Number of Posts

Use the “Number of Posts” option to set the number of posts displayed in the Featured Posts block. Enter the necessary value into the “Number of Posts option box.

3.1.1 The result of changing the number of featured post displays may look on a page as follows.

3.2. Date Rage

Use the “Date Range” option to show only posts not older than the indicated time period.  

3.2.1. Select the appropriate date range from 3 days to 6 month or select “All” from the dropdown menu.

3.3. Display

Use the “Display” option to set the custom display of the featured posts block.

3.3.1. Enable “Excerpt” to display the excerpt to the featured post.

3.3.2. The result of the excerpt display may look on a page as follows.

3.3.3. Enable “Post Date” to show the post date of the featured post.

3.3.4. The result of the post date display may look on a page as follows.

3.3.5. Enable “Author” to display the author’s name of the featured post.

3.3.6. The result of the author's name display may look on a page as follows.

3.3.7. Enable “Reading Time” to show the reading time of the featured post.

3.3.8. The result of approximate reading time display may look on a page as follows.

3.3.9. Enable “Comments number” to show the comments number of the featured post.

3.3.10. The result of the comment number display may look on a page as follows.

3.3.11. Enable “Featured image” to show the featured image of the featured post.

3.3.12. The result of the featured image display may look on a page as follows.

3.4. Featured Image Placeholder URL

Use the “Featured Image Placeholder URL” option to set the featured image for the posts that do not have the featured image.

3.4.1. Enter the appropriate link to the necessary image into the option field.

3.4.2. The non-defined featured image display may look on a page as follows.

3.5. Featured Image Size

Use the “Featured Image Size” option to set the size of the featured image.

3.5.1. Enter the desired height value into the appropriate option box.

3.5.2. Enter the necessary width value into the appropriate option box.

3.5.3. The result of settings may look on a page as follows.

3.6. Excerpt Length

Use the “Excerpt Length” option to set the value of the excerpt length. Enter the necessary length into the option box.

3.6.1. The result of changing excerpt word display may look on a page as follows.

3.7. Read More Link Text        

Use the “Read More Link Text” option to set the custom text for “Read More” link. Enter the desired value into the appropriate option field.

3.7.1. The display of the “Read more” block may look on the page as follows.

3.8. Current Category

Enable the “Current Category” option to display posts from the current category only.

3.9. Block Position

Use the “Block Position” option to set the position of the featured posts block.

3.9.1. Enable the “Before content” to place the block before content.

3.9.2. The block-display before content may look on a page as follows.

3.9.3. Enable the “After content” to place the block after content.

3.9.4. The block-display after content may look on a page as follows.

3.10. Block Width

Use the “Block Width” option to change the width of the block. Enter the value in % or px

into the appropriate option field.

3.10.1. The result of changing block width may look on a page as follows.

3.11. Content Block Width

Use the “Content Block Width” option to change the width of the content block. Enter the value in % or px into the appropriate option field.

3.11.1. The result of changing the content block width may look on a page as follows.

3.12. Custom Style

Use the “Custom Style” potion to set the custom style for the featured posts. Enable the “Custom Style” to add custom styles for Featured Posts block.

3.13. Block Background Color

Use the “Block Background Color” option to set the background color for the block.

3.13.1. Set the color for background by means of the color-picker tool.

3.13.2. After saving changes the featured post block background may look as follows.

3.14. Text Background Color

Use the “Text Background Color” option to set the color for the text background.

3.14.1. Set the color for background text by means of the color-picker tool.

3.14.2.  After saving changes the text background may look as follows.

3.15. Title Color

Use the “Title Color” option to set the color for the title.

3.15.1 Set the color for the title by means of the color-picker tool.

3.15.2.  After saving changes the title may look as follows.

3.16. Text Color

Use the “Text Color” option to set the color for the text.

3.16.1. Set the color for text by means of the color-picker tool.

3.16.2. After saving changes the text may look as follows.

3.17. “Learn More” Link Color

Use the ““Learn More” Link Color” option to set the link color.

3.17.1 Set the color for the link by means of the color-picker tool.

3.17.2. After saving changes the “Learn More” Link may look as follows.

4. Latest Posts

Use the options of the “Latest Posts Settings” tab to customize the latest posts settings.

4.1. Title

Use the “Title” option to set the title for the post group. Enter the necessary title value into the appropriate option field.

4.1.1. The result of changing the title for the latest post may look on a page as follows.

4.2. Number of Posts

Use the “Number of Posts” option to set the number of posts displayed in the Latest Posts block. Enter the necessary value into the “Number of Posts option box.

4.2.1. The result of necessary posts number display may look on a page as follows.

4.3. Display

Use the “Display” option to set the custom display of the latest posts block.

4.3.1. Enable “Featured image” to show the featured image of the latest posts.

4.3.2. The result of the featured image display may look on a page as follows.

4.3.3. Enable “Excerpt” to set the excerpt to the latest posts.

4.3.4. The result of the excerpt display may look on a page as follows.

4.3.5. Enable “Post Date” to show the post date of the latest posts.

4.3.6. The result of the post date display may look on a page as follows.

4.3.7. Enable “Author” to display the author’s name of the latest posts.

4.3.8. The result of the author's name display may look on a page as follows.

4.3.9. Enable “Reading Time” to show the reading time of the latest posts.

4.3.10. The result of approximate reading time may look on a page as follows.

4.3.11. Enable “Comments number” to show the number of the comments of the latest posts.

4.3.12. The result of the comment number display may look on a page as follows

4.4. Featured Image URL

Use the “Featured Image URL” option to set the featured image for the posts that do not have the featured image.

4.4.1. Enter the appropriate link to the necessary image into the option field.

4.4.2. The non-defined featured image may look on a page as follows.

4.5. Featured Image Size

Use the “Featured Image Size” option to set the size of the featured image.

4.5.1. Enter the desired height value into the appropriate option box.

4.5.2. Enter the necessary width value into the appropriate option box.

4.5.3. The result of size-settings may look on a page as follows.

4.6. Excerpt Length

Use the “Excerpt Length” option to set the value of the excerpt length. Enter the necessary length into the option box.

4.6.1. The result of displaying the excerpt with selected length may look on a page as follows.

4.7. “Read More” Text

Use the “”Read More” Text” option to set the custom text for “Read More” link. Enter the desired value into the appropriate option field.

4.7.1. The display of the “Read more” block may look on the page as follows.

4.8. Current Category

Enable the “Current Category” option to display posts from the current category only.

4.9. Block Position

Use the “Block Position” option to set the position of the latest posts block.

4.9.1. Enable the “Before content” to place the block before content.

4.9.2. The block-display before content may look on a page as follows.

4.9.3. Enable the “After content” to place the block after content.

4.9.4. The block-display after content may look on a page as follows.

5. Popular Posts

Use the options of the “Popular Posts Settings” tab to customize the popular post’s settings.

5.1. Title

Use the “Title” option to set the title for the post group. Enter the necessary title into the appropriate option field.

5.1.1. The result of changing the title for a popular post may look on a page as follows.

5.2. Number of Posts

Use the “Number of Posts” option to set the number of posts displayed in the popular posts block. Enter the necessary value into the “Number of Posts option box.

5.2.1. The result of changing the number of post displayed may look on a page as follows.

5.3. Date Rage

Use the “Date Range” option to show only posts not older than the indicated time period.

5.3.1. Select the appropriate date range from 3 days to 6 month or select “All” from the dropdown menu.

5.4. Display

Use the “Display” option to set the custom display of the popular posts block.

5.4.1. Enable “Views Number'' to show the number of views of the popular posts.

5.4.2. The result of views displayed may look on a page as follows.

5.4.3. Enable “Featured image” to show the featured image of the popular posts.

5.4.4. The result of the featured image display may look on a page as follows.

5.4.5. Enable “Excerpt” to set the excerpt to the popular posts.

5.4.6. The result of the excerpt display may look on a page as follows.

5.4.7. Enable “Post Date” to show the post date of the popular posts.

5.4.8. The result of the post date display may look on a page as follows.

5.4.9. Enable “Author” to display the author’s name of the popular posts.

5.4.10. The result of the author's name display may look on a page as follows.

5.4.11 Enable “Reading Time” to show the reading time of the popular posts.

5.4.12. The result of approximate reading time display may look on a page as follows.

5.4.13. Enable “Comments number” to show the number of comments of the popular posts.

5.4.14. The result of the comment number display may look on a page as follows.

5.5. Featured Image URL

Use the “Featured Image URL” option to set the featured image for the posts that do not have the featured image.

5.5.1. Enter the appropriate link to the necessary image into the option field.

5.5.2. The non-defined featured image may look on a page as follows.

5.6. Featured Image Size

Use the “Featured Image Size” option to set the size of the featured image.

5.6.1. Enter the desired height value into the appropriate option box.

5.6.2. Enter the necessary width value into the appropriate option box.

5.6.3. The result of size-settings may look on a page as follows.

5.7. Min Posts Number

Use the “Min Posts Number” option to set the minimum count of displayed posts. Enter the value into the appropriate option field.

5.8. Excerpt Length

Use the “Excerpt Length” option to set the value of the excerpt length. Enter the necessary length into the option box.

5.8.1. The result of displaying the excerpt with selected length may look on a page as follows.

5.9. “Read More” Text

Use the “”Read More” Text” option to set the custom text for “Read More” link. Enter the desired value into the appropriate option field.

5.9.1. The display of the “Read more” block may look on the page as follows.

5.10. Sort Posts by Number of

Use the “Sort Posts by Number of” option to set the custom sort of the posts.

5.10.1. Choose the “Comments” to set sort by the comments count.

5.10.2. The result of the comments-depending sort may look on a page as follows.

5.10.3. Choose the “Views” to set the sort by the views count.

5.10.4. The result of the views-depending sort may look on a page as follows.

5.11. Current Category

Enable the “Current Category” option to display popular posts from the current category only.

5.12. Block Position

Use the “Block Position” option to set the position of the popular posts block.

5.12.1. Enable the “Before content” to place the block before content.

5.12.2. The block display before content may look on a page as follows.

5.12.3. Enable the “After content” to place the block after content.

5.12.4. The block display after content may look on a page as follows.

6. Miscellaneous Settings

Use the options of the “Miscellaneous Settings” tab to make the settings regarding anonymous usage and settings restoration.

6.1 Track Usage

Enable the “Track Usage” option to allow tracking plugin usage anonymously.

6.2 Default Settings

Click the “Restore settings” button to restore plugin settings to defaults.

5.2.1.  Click “Yes, restore all settings” button to confirm the procedure.

7. Custom Code

Use the “Custom code” tab to insert a CSS, PHP or JavaScript code. To activate the inserted code, enable the “Activate custom … code” option and save changes.

8. Add Relevant Posts Widgets

Go to the “Appearance” > “Widgets” page on your dashboard. The “Widget” page will open.

8.1. Popular Posts

Find and add the “Popular Posts” widget.

8.1.1. Enter the “Title” into the appropriate option field.

8.1.2. Enter the number of posts into the appropriate option box.

8.1.3. Enter the minimum number of posts into the appropriate option box.

8.1.4. Enter the necessary excerpt length into the option box.

8.1.5. Enter the “Read More” text into the appropriate option field.

8.1.6. Use the “Show” option to customize the popular post display.

8.1.7. Enter the appropriate URL to the featured image, if the featured image is not set for the post.

8.1.8. Set the appropriate image size into the option boxes.

8.1.9. Use the “Order posts by number of” option to customize the post order.

8.1.10. Choose “Comments” to order by comments count.

8.1.11. Choose “Views” to order by views count.

8.1.12. Enable the “Current Category” option to display the posts only from the current category

8.1.13. The result may look as follows.

8.2. Latest Posts

Find and add the “Latest Posts” widget.

8.2.1. Enter the “Title” into the appropriate option field.

8.2.2. Enter the number of posts into the appropriate option box.

8.2.4. Choose the category from the dropdown menu.

8.2.4. Enter the necessary excerpt length into the option box.

8.2.5. Enter the “Read More” text into the appropriate option field.

8.2.6. Use the “Show” option to customize the popular post display.

8.2.7. Set the appropriate image size into the option box.

8.2.8. The Latest Posts Widget may look on a page as follows.

8.3. Related Posts

Find and add the “Related  Posts” widget.

8.3.1. Enter the “Title” into the appropriate option field.

8.3.2. Enter the number of posts into the appropriate option box.

8.3.4. Enter the necessary excerpt length into the option box.

8.3.5. Enter the “Read More” text into the appropriate option field.

8.3.5. Enter the featured image URL into the appropriate option field that will be displayed when the featured image is not set.

8.3.6. Use the “Show” option to customize the popular post display.

8.3.7. Set the appropriate image size into the option box.

8.3.8. Choose the appropriate value for search in the “Search Related Words in” option.

8.3.9. Enter the appropriate message into the “”No Post Found” Message” option field.

8.3.10. Enable the appropriate variants of “Search on a pages” option to customize the search of the related posts.

8.3.11. The display of the “Related Posts” widget may look on a page as follows.

9. Shortcodes

Use the shortcodes to add relevant post blocks to your posts or pages. Available shortcodes are displayed on the “Relevant Posts” > “Settings” page.

9.1. Related Posts Shortcode

To display related posts, copy the necessary shortcode, create a new post or page or open the existing in the “Edit” mode and insert copied earlier shortcode to the necessary place.

9.1.1. The result of adding related posts by using shortcode may look on a page as follows.

9.2. Featured Posts Shortcode

To display featured posts, copy the necessary shortcode, create a new post or page or open the existing in the “Edit” mode and insert copied earlier shortcode to the necessary place.

9.2.1. The result of adding featured posts by using shortcode may look on a page as follows.

9.3. Latest Posts Shortcode

To display latest posts, copy the necessary shortcode, create a new post or page or open the existing in the “Edit” mode and insert copied earlier shortcode to the necessary place.

9.3.1. The result of adding the latest posts by using shortcode may look on a page as follows.

9.4. Popular Posts Shortcode

To display popular posts, copy the necessary shortcode, create a new post or page or open the existing in the “Edit” mode and insert copied earlier shortcode to the necessary place.

9.4.1. The result of adding popular posts by using shortcode may look on a page as follows.

10. Single Post Settings

Use the options of the post “Settings” page to enable some function for the correct relevant posts display.

10.1. Related Posts

Choose the “Key” to enable the display of this post sorted by Meta Key.

10.2. Featured Post

Enable the “Featured Post” option to display this post in the Featured Posts block.

Thank you!

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