Documentation and Tutorials for your BestWebSoft products

User Guide Social Buttons Pack Plugin

Social Buttons Pack

User Guide


Social Buttons Pack

1.1.8 *


5.7.2 *


1.3.6 *

*When using other versions some differences are possible to occur

** Screenshots were taken from a PC

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. Facebook Button Settings

2.1. General

2.1.1. Change App ID

2.1.2. Buttons

2.1.3. Buttons Size

2.1.4. Buttons Position

2.1.5. Buttons Align

2.1.6. Language

2.1.7. Multilanguage

2.1.8. Excerpt

2.1.9. Meta Image

2.1.10. Meta Description

2.2. Profile URL Button

2.2.1. Facebook ID or Username

2.2.2. Profile Buttons Image

2.3. Like & Share Buttons

2.3.1. Like Button Layout

2.3.2. Share Button Layout

2.3.3. Like Button Action

2.3.4. Friends Faces

2.3.5. Layout Width

2.3.6. Theme

2.3.7. Like Button HTML Tag

2.3.8. URL to Like

3. Twitter Button Settings


3.1.1. Buttons

3.1.2. Buttons Size

3.1.3. Buttons Position

3.1.4. Language

3.1.5. Twitter Tailoring

3.2. Twitter Timeline

3.2.1. Twitter URL

3.2.2. Number Of Tweets

3.2.3. Theme

3.2.4. Language

3.2.5. Height

3.2.6. Width

3.2.7. Design Elements

3.2.8. Border Color

3.2.9. Link color

3.3. Tweet Button

3.3.1. Share URL

3.3.2. Tweet Text

3.3.3. Via

3.3.4. Recommend

3.3.5. Hashtag

3.4. Follow Button

3.4.1. Twitter Username

3.4.2. Follow Button Image

3.4.3. Show Follow Button

3.5. Hashtag Button

3.5.1. Hashtag

3.5.2. Share URL

3.5.3. Tweet Text

3.5.4. Recommended

3.6. Mention Button

3.6.1. Tweet To

3.6.2. Tweet Text

3.6.3. Recommend

4. Pinterest Settings

4.1 General

4.1.1. Pinterest User ID

4.1.2. Buttons

4.1.3. Language

4.1.4. Multilanguage

4.2. Save Button

4.2.1. Button Position

4.2.2. Button Image

4.2.3. Button Shape

4.2.4. Button Size

4.2.5. Show Pin Count

4.3 Follow Button

4.3.1. Full Name

4.3.2. Button Position

5. LinkedIn Settings

5.1. General

5.1.1. Buttons

5.1.2. Display on Home Page

5.1.3. Buttons Position

5.1.4. Language

5.1.5. Multilanguage

5.2. Share Button

5.2.1. Count Mode

5.2.2. URL

5.3. Follow Button

5.3.1. Count Mode

5.3.2. Company or Showcase Page ID

6. Instagram Settings

6.1. General

6.1.1. Buttons

6.1.2. Button Size

6.1.3. Buttons Position

6.1.4. Buttons Align

6.2. Profile URL Button

6.2.1. Account Username

6.2.2. Profile Button Image

7. Display Settings

7.1. Show URL

7.2. Display Settings List

8. Miscellaneous Settings

8.1. Track Usage

8.2. Default Settings

9. Custom Code

10. Add Social Button to a Widget

10.1 Pinterest Widget

11. License Key

11.1. Check License Key

11.2. Manage License Settings

You can download Social Buttons Pack Plugin here:

1. Introduction

Note: Сlick the “Save Changes” button in order to apply any changes.

1.1. Open your WordPress Admin Dashboard and find the menu on the left.

1.2. Go to the “Social Buttons” > “Settings” on your dashboard.

1.3. The “Social Buttons Settings” page will open.

2. Facebook Button Settings

Use the options of the “Facebook Button Settings” tab to customize the facebook buttons.

2.1. General

Use the options of the “General” section to make the most important settings regarding facebook buttons.

2.1.1. Change App ID

Use the “Change App ID” option to set the App ID. Enter the necessary App ID value into the appropriate text field.

2.1.2. Buttons

Use the “Buttons option to enable the necessary buttons. Enable the “Profile URL” button to display the “Profile URL button on posts and pages. The “Profile URL” button display may look on a page as follows. Enable the “Like” button to display the “Like button on posts and pages. The “Like” button display may look on a page as follows. Enable the “Share” button to display the “Share button on posts and pages. The “Share” button display may look on a page as follows.

2.1.3. Buttons Size

Use the “Button Size” option to select the appropriate size for the facebook buttons. Choose the “Small” to set the small size. The “Small” button-size for facebook buttons may display on a page as follows. Choose the “Large” to set the large size. The “Large” button-size for facebook buttons may display on a page as follows.

2.1.4. Buttons Position

Use the “Button Position” option to set the position of the facebook buttons. Enable the “Before Content” to place the facebook button(-s) before content. The button position “Before Content may look on a page as follows. Enable the “After Content” to place the  facebook button(-s) after content. button position “After Content” may look on a page as follows.

2.1.5. Buttons Align

Use the “Button Align” option to choose the appropriate align for the facebook buttons. Choose the “Right” align to set the alignment to the right side of the page. The “Right” alignment may look on a page as follows. Choose the “Center” align to set the alignment to the center of the page. The “Center” alignment may look on a page as follows. Choose the “Left” align to set the alignment to the left side of the page. The “Left” alignment may look on a page as follows.

2.1.6. Language

Use the “Language” option to set facebook button(-s) language. To change the language of a button - select the appropriate language in the “Language” dropdown menu.

2.1.7. Multilanguage

Note: Install and activate the Multilanguage Plugin to enable this option.

The Social Buttons Pack by BestWebSoft” plugin is compatible with the “Multilanguage by BestWebSoft plugin. Download and install the plugin by clicking the “Install Now” link next to the “Multilanguage” option or follow the link: After a successful installation and activation enable the “Multilanguage” option.

2.1.8. Excerpt

Use the “Excerpt” option to enable display buttons in excerpts.

2.1.9. Meta Image

Use the “Meta Image” options to set the meta image for the posts. Choose the ”Featured Image” to set the featured image for the posts. Choose the ”Custom Image” to set the custom image for the posts.

2.1.10. Meta Description

Use the “Meta Description” option to set the meta description for pages. Enter the necessary description value into the appropriate option field.

2.2. Profile URL Button

Use the “Profile URL Button option to customize the “Profile button.

2.2.1. Facebook ID or Username

Use the “Facebook ID or Username” option to set the appropriate ID or username. Enter the value into the option field.

2.2.2. Profile Buttons Image

Use the “Profile Buttons Image” option to set the profile button image style. Choose the “Default” to set the default style of button. The “Default profile button may be displayed on a page as follows. Choose the “Custom Image” to set the custom style of button. The “Custom Image profile button may be displayed on a page as follows.

2.3. Like & Share Buttons

Use the ”Like & Share Buttons” section option to customize Like and Share buttons.

2.3.1. Like Button Layout

Use the “Like Button Layout” option to set the layout of the “Like button. Choose “Standard Layout” to set the standard layout of the “Like button. The “Standard Layout” of the “Like button may look on the page as follows. Choose “Box Count” to set the box count layout of the “Like button. The “Box Count” layout of the “Like button may look on the page as follows. Choose “Button Count” to set the button count layout of the “Like button. The “Button Count” layout of the “Like button may look on the page as follows. Choose “Button” to set the button-styled layout of the “Like button. The “Button” layout of the “Like button may look on the page as follows.

2.3.2. Share Button Layout

Use the “Share Button Layout” option to set the layout of the “Share button. Choose “Box Count” to set the box count layout of the “Share button. The “Box Count” layout of the “Share button may look on the page as follows. Choose “Button Count” to set the button count layout of the “Share button. The “Button Count” layout of the “Share button may look on the page as follows. Choose “Button” to set the button layout of the “Share button. The “Button” layout of the “Share button may look on the page as follows. Choose “Icon Link” to set the icon link layout of the “Share button. The “Icon Link” layout of the “Share button may look on the page as follows. Choose “Icon” to set the icon layout of the “Share button. The “Icon layout of the “Share button may look on the page as follows. Choose “Link” to set the link layout of the “Share button. The “Link” layout of the “Share button may look on the page as follows.

2.3.3. Like Button Action

Use the “Like Button Action” option to set the action of the “Like button.  Choose the “Like” to set the “Like action for the button. The result of the button display may look on the page as follows. Choose the “Recommended” to set the “Recommended action for the button. The result of the button display may look on the page as follows.

2.3.4. Friends Faces

Use the “Friends Face” option to customize the display of the friends who submitted the button. Enable the “Friends Face” option to show the faces of submitted friends.

2.3.5. Layout Width

Use the “Layout Width” option to set the width of the layout. Enter the appropriate value into the option box.

2.3.6. Theme

Use the “Theme” option to set the theme for the button(-s). Choose the “Light” to set the light-themed button. The light-themed may look on page as follows. Choose the “Dark” to set the dark-themed button. The light-themed button may look on a page as follows.

2.3.7. Like Button HTML Tag

Use the “Like Button HTML Tag” option to set the Like Button HTML Tag for the button. The “<fb:like> is standard. The “<div>” can improve website code validation.

2.3.8. URL to Like

Use the “URL to Like” option to set the URL for the like. Enter the necessary value into the appropriate option field.

3. Twitter Button Settings

Use the options of the “Twitter Button Settings” tab to customize the twitter buttons.


Use the options of the “General” section to make the most important settings for twitter buttons.

3.1.1. Buttons

Use the “Buttons” option to enable the necessary buttons. Enable the “Tweet” button to display the “Tweet button on posts and pages. The “Tweet” button display may look on a page as follows. Enable the “Follow” button to display the “Follow button on posts and pages. The “Follow” button display may look on a page as follows. Enable the “Hashtag” button to display the “Hashtag button on posts and pages. The “Hashtag” button display may look on a page as follows. Enable the “Mention” button to display the “Mention button on posts and pages. The “Mention” button display may look on a page as follows.

3.1.2. Buttons Size

Use the “Button Size” option to select the appropriate size for the tweeter buttons. Choose the “Small” to set the small size. The “Small button-size for twitter buttons may display on a page as follows. Choose the “Large” to set the large size. The “Large button-size for twitter buttons may display on a page as follows.

3.1.3. Buttons Position

Use the “Button Position” option to set the position of the Twitter buttons. Enable the “Before Content” to place the twitter button(-s) before content. The button position “Before Content may look on a page as follows. Enable the “After Content” to place the twitter button(-s) after content. The button position “After Content may look on a page as follows.

3.1.4. Language

Use the “Language” option to set the Twitter button(-s) language. Enable the “Automaticto set the automatic language setting. Select the appropriate language in the “Language” dropdown menu to change the language of a button.

3.1.5. Twitter Tailoring

Use the “Twitter Tailoring” option to enable tailored suggestions from Twitter.

3.2. Twitter Timeline

Use the options of the “Twitter Timeline” section to change the visual and functional aspects of the timeline.

3.2.1. Twitter URL

Use the “Twitter URL” option to enter the URL in order to display a desirable timeline. Twitter timeline will look on a page as follows.

3.2.2. Number Of Tweets

Use the “Number Of Tweets” option to set the number of tweets that will be displayed on the timeline. Twitter timeline with the number of tweets set to 1 will look as follows.

3.2.3. Theme

Use the “Theme” option to select between the “Dark” and “Light” themes of the timeline. Select the “Light” theme to display the timeline as follows. Select the “Dark” theme to display the timeline as follows.

3.2.4. Language

Use the “Language” option to select the language of Twitter`s timeline. English is set as default. Select the necessary language from the dropdown menu.

3.2.5. Height

Use the “Height” option to set a fixed height of the timeline. Twitter's timeline with customized height may look on a page as follows.

3.2.6. Width

Use the “Width” option to set the maximum width of the timeline block. Leaving it 0 will automatically determine the width. Twitter's timeline with customized width may look on a page as follows.

3.2.7. Design Elements

Use the “Design Elements” option to enable additional options to visually modify the timeline. Twitter's timeline with hidden design elements may look on a page as follows.

3.2.8. Border Color

Use the “Border color” option to set the color of borders inside of the timeline block. Timeline block with customized borders color may look on a page as follows.

3.2.9. Link color

Use the “Link color” option to set the color of links, including hashtags and @mentions, inside each Tweet. Choose the “Link Color” to display the links as follows.

3.3. Tweet Button

Use the “Tweet Button” section to customize the “Tweet button.

3.3.1. Share URL

Use the “Share URL” options to set the “Share URL to the “Tweet button. Choose the “Current page”  to set the Share URL for the current page of the

website. Choose the “Homepage” to set the Share URL for the home page of the website.

3.3.2. Tweet Text

Use the “Tweet Text” option to set the text for the tweet. Choose the “Current Page Title” to set the current page title as a tweet text. Choose the “Custom” to set the custom tweet text. Enter the сustom text into the appropriate option field.

3.3.3. Via

Use the “Via” option to set the username for Tweet via parameter. Enter the necessary username value into the appropriate option field.

3.3.4. Recommend

Use the “Recommend” option to set the users you recommend. Enter the username ( maximum 2 allowed) into the appropriate option field.

3.3.5. Hashtag

Use the “Hashtag” option to set the hashtags for the tweets. Enter one or multiple hashtags into the appropriate option filed.

3.4. Follow Button

Use the “Follow Button” section to customize the “Follow” button.

3.4.1. Twitter Username

Use the “Twitter Username” option to set the appropriate username for the follow button.

3.4.2. Follow Button Image

Use the “Follow Button Image” option to set the image for the “Follow button. Choose the “Default” to set the default style of button. The “Default follow button image may look on the page as follows. Choose the “Custom” to upload the custom image of the button. The “Custom follow button may be displayed on the page as follows.

3.4.3. Show Follow Button

Use the “Show Follow Button” option to set the appropriate display of the “Follow button. Enable the “Username” to display the username. The result of the username display on the page may look as follows. Enable the “Count” to display the number of followers near the button. The result of the count display on the page may look as follows

3.5. Hashtag Button

Use the “Hashtag Button” section to set the appropriate display of the “Hashtag button.

3.5.1. Hashtag

Use the “Hashtag” option to set the necessary hashtags for the tweet. Enter the appropriate

hashtags into the option field.

3.5.2. Share URL

Use the “Share URL” option to set the “Share URL to the “Hashtag button. Choose the “Current Page” to set the Share URL for the current page of the

website. Choose the “Home page” to set the Share URL for the home page of the website. Choose the “None” to use the hashtag button without URL.

3.5.3. Tweet Text

Use the “Tweet Text” option to set the text for the tweet. Choose the “Current Page Title” to set the current page title as a tweet text. Choose the “Custom” to set the custom tweet text.

3.5.4. Recommended

Use the “Recommend” option to set the users you recommend. Enter the username ( maximum 2 allowed) into the appropriate field.

3.6. Mention Button

Use the “Mention Button” section to set the appropriate display of the “Mention button.

3.6.1. Tweet To

Use the “Tweet To” option to add someone you want to mention to the “Mention button. Enter the username into the appropriate option field.

3.6.2. Tweet Text

Use the “Tweet Text” option to set the text for the tweet. Choose the “Current Page Title” to set the current page title as a tweet text. Choose the “Custom” to set the custom tweet text.

3.6.3. Recommend

Use the “Recommend” option to set the users you recommend. Enter the username ( maximum 2 allowed) into the appropriate option field.

4. Pinterest Settings

Use the options of the “Pinterest Settings” tab to customize the Pinterest buttons.

4.1 General

Use the options of the “General” section to make the most important settings for Pinterest buttons.

4.1.1. Pinterest User ID

Use the “Pinterest User ID” option to set the Pinterest user ID. Enter the necessary Pinterest User ID value into the appropriate field.

4.1.2. Buttons

Use the “Buttons option to enable the necessary buttons. Enable the “Save” button to display the “Save button on posts and pages. The “Save” button display may look on a page as follows. Enable the “Follow” button to display the “Follow button on posts and pages. The “Follow” button display may on a page look as follows.

4.1.3. Language

Use the “Language” option to set the Pinterest button(-s) language. To change the language of the button - select the appropriate language in the “Language” dropdown menu.

4.1.4. Multilanguage

Note: Install and activate the Multilanguage Plugin to enable this option.

The Social Buttons Pack by BestWebSoft” plugin is compatible with the “Multilanguage by BestWebSoft plugin.

Download and install the plugin by clicking the “Learn More” link next to the “Multilanguage” option or follow the link: After a successful installation and activation enable the “Multilanguage” option.

4.2. Save Button

Use the options of the “Save Button” section to customize the appearance of the “Save button.

4.2.1. Button Position

Use the “Button Position” option to set the position of the “Save button. Enable the “Before Content” to place the “Save button before content. The button position “Before Content may look on a page as follows. Enable the “After Content” to place the “Save button after content. The button position “After Content” may look on a page as follows. Enable the “On Image Hover” to place the “Save button on the image hover. The button position “On the Image Hover may look as follows.

4.2.2. Button Image

Use the “Button Image” option to choose the display of the “Save button. Choose “Default” to set the default display. The default-image “Save” button appearance may look as follows. Choose “Custom” to set the custom display. Click the “Choose File” button to select an image from your computer. The custom-style Save button appearance may look as follows.

4.2.3. Button Shape

Use the “Button Shape” option to set the shape for the default-style button. Choose the “Square” to set the square form for the “Save button. The “Square button may look on a page as follows. Choose the “Round” to set the round form for the “Save button. The round button may look on a page as follows.

4.2.4. Button Size

Use the “Button Size” option to select the appropriate size for the default-style button. Choose the “Small” to set the small size. Choose the “Large” to set the large size. The “Small button-size for the “Square” button may look on a page as follows. The Large button-size for the “Square” button may look on a page as follows. The Small button-size for the “Round” button may look as follows. The Large button-size for the “Round” button may look as follows.

4.2.5. Show Pin Count

Use the ”Show Pin Count” option to customize the display of the “Square button. Choose the “Not Shown” - the pin count would not be displayed. Choose the “Above the Button” - the pin count would be displayed above the “Save” button. Choose the “Beside the Button” - the pin count would be displayed beside the “Save button. The “Not Shown” display may look on a page as follows. The “Above the Button” display may look on a page as follows. The “Beside the Button” display may look on a page as follows.

4.3 Follow Button

Use the options of the “Follow Button” section to customize the appearance of the “Follow button.

4.3.1. Full Name

Use the “Full Name“ option to set the custom text for the “Follow” button. Enter the appropriate Pinterest profile name into the option field. The “Follow” button with a custom name may look as follows.

4.3.2. Button Position

Use the “Button Position” option to set the place of the “Follow” button in the necessary place. Enable the “Before Content” to place the button before content. The “Follow” button before content may look as follows. Enable the “After content” to place the button after content. The “Follow” button after content may look as follows.

5. LinkedIn Settings

Use the options of the “LinkedIn Settings” tab to customize the “LinkedIn buttons.

5.1. General

Use the options of the “General” section to make the most important settings for the “LinkedIn” buttons.

5.1.1. Buttons

Use the “Buttons option to enable the necessary buttons. Enable the “Share” button to display the “Share button on posts and pages. The “Share” button display may look as follows. Enable the “Follow” button to display the “Follow button on posts and pages. The “Follow” button display may look as follows.

5.1.2. Display on Home Page

Use the “Display on Home Page” option to set the display of LinkedIn buttons on a home page of a website. Enable the “Display on Home Page” to place the buttons on a homepage. The result of button display on the home page may look as follows.

5.1.3. Buttons Position

Use the “Button Position” option to set the position of the buttons. Enable the “Before Content” to place the buttons before content. The button’s position “Before Content may look on a page as follows. Enable the “After Content” to place the buttons after content. The button’s position "After Content may look on a page as follows.

5.1.4. Language

Use the “Language” option to set the LinkedIn button(-s) language. To change the language of a button -  select the appropriate language in the “Language” dropdown menu.

5.1.5. Multilanguage

Note: Install and activate the Multilanguage Plugin to enable this option.

The Social Buttons Pack by BestWebSoft” plugin is compatible with the “Multilanguage by BestWebSoft plugin.

Download and install the plugin by clicking the “Learn More” link next to the “Multilanguage” option or follow the link: After a successful installation and activation enable the “Multilanguage” option.

5.2. Share Button

Use the ”Share Button” section to customize the “Share button.

5.2.1. Count Mode

Use the “Count Mode” option to set the display of the share-count. Choose the “Vertical” to set the vertical count. The “Vertical” style count may look on a page as follows. Choose the “Horizontal” to set the horizontal count. The “Horizontal” style count may look on a page as follows. Choose the “No Count” not to set the count. The “No Count” style count may look on a page as follows.

5.2.2. URL

Use the “URL” option to set the shared URL. Enter the necessary value of the shared URL into the appropriate option field, enter nothing if you want to share the current page URL.

5.3. Follow Button

Use the ”Follow Button” section to customize the Follow button.

5.3.1. Count Mode

Use the “Count Mode” option to set the display of the follow-count Choose the “Vertical” to set the vertical count. The “Vertical” style count may look on a page as follows. Choose the “Horizontal” to set the horizontal count. The “Horizontal” style count may look on a page as follows. Choose the “No Count” not to set the count. The “No Count” style count may look on a page as follows.

5.3.2. Company or Showcase Page ID

Use the “Company or Showcase Page ID” option to set the company or showcase page ID. Enter the necessary value of the company or showcase page ID into the appropriate option field.

6. Instagram Settings

6.1. General

Use the options of the “General” section to make the most important settings for the “Instagram” button.

6.1.1. Buttons

Use the “Buttons option to enable the “Profile URL” button. The “Profile URL” button display may look as follows.

6.1.2. Button Size

Use the “Button Size” option to select the appropriate size for the default-style button. Choose the “Small” to set the small size. Choose the “Large” to set the large size. The “Small button-size may look on a page as follows. The Large button-size for the “Square” button may look on a page as follows.

6.1.3. Buttons Position

Use the “Button Position” option to set the position of the Instagram buttons. Enable the “Before Content” to place the Instagram button before content. The button position “Before Content” may look on a page as follows. Enable the “After Content” to place the twitter button(-s) after content. The button position “After Content” may look on a page as follows.

6.1.4. Buttons Align

Use the “Button Align” option to choose the appropriate align for the Instagram button. Choose the “Right” align to set the alignment to the right side of the page. The “Right” alignment may look on a page as follows. Choose the “Center” align to set the alignment to the center of the page. The “Center” alignment may look on a page as follows. Choose the “Left” align to set the alignment to the left side of the page. The “Left” alignment may look on a page as follows.

6.2. Profile URL Button

Use the ”Profile URL Button” section to customize the Profile URL button.

6.2.1. Account Username

Use the “Account Username” option to set the appropriate username for the Profile URL button.

6.2.2. Profile Button Image

Use the “Profile Button Image” option to choose the display of the “Profile URL Button button. Choose “Default” to set the default display. The default-image Profile Button Image appearance may look as follows. Choose “Custom” to set the custom display. Click the “Add Media” button to select an image from your PC or media library. The custom-style “Profile URL Button” button appearance may look as follows.

7. Display Settings

Use options of the “Display Settings” tab to set where Social Buttons buttons will be displayed.

7.1. Show URL

Enable the “Show URL” option in the “Display Settings” tab to show the URL of each post and page in the list below.

7.2. Display Settings List

Enable the necessary post types (or single pages) where Social Buttons will be displayed.

8. Miscellaneous Settings

Use the options of the “Miscellaneous Settings” tab to make the settings regarding anonymous usage and settings restoration.

8.1. Track Usage

Enable the “Track Usage” option to allow tracking plugin usage anonymously.

8.2. Default Settings

Click the “Restore Settings” button to restore plugin settings to defaults.

8.2.1.  Click “Yes, restore all settings” button to confirm the procedure.

9. Custom Code

Use the “Custom code” tab to insert a CSS, PHP or JavaScript code. To activate the inserted code, enable the “Activate custom … code” option and save changes.

10. Add Social Button to a Widget

Go to the “Appearance” > “Widgets” page on your dashboard. The “Widget” page will open.

10.1 Pinterest Widget

Find the “Pinterest Widget” tab.

10.1.1. Enter the “Title” to the title option field.

10.1.2. Select the “Type” of the widget from the drop down menu.

10.1.3. For the “Pin Widget” - enter the appropriate URL to the “URL” option field.

Note: Example:

10.1.4. Select the “Size” of the widget from the drop down menu.

10.1.5.  After saving changes the Footer with “Pin Widget”  may look as follows.

10.1.6.  For the “Board Widget”  type - enter the appropriate URL to the “URL” option field.

Note: Example:


10.1.7. Use the “Width” option field to set the width of the widget.

10.1.8. Use the “Height” option field to set the height of the widget.

10.1.9. Use the “Thumbnails Width” option field to set the thumbnails width of the widget.

10.1.10. After saving changes the footer with “Board Widget”  may look as follows.

10.1.11. For the “Profile Widget”  type - enter the appropriate width to the “Width” option field.

10.1.12. Use the “Height” option field to set the height of the widget.

10.1.13. Use the “Thumbnails Width” option field to set the thumbnails width of the widget.

10.1.14. After saving changes the footer with “Profile Widget” may look as follows.

11. License Key

After a successful plugin purchase, you will receive an email notification with a download link and a license key. Activate Pro license by pasting a license key into the “Social Buttons Pack Pro License” field and clicking the “Save Changes” button.

11.1. Check License Key

To check the license key, click the “Check license key” button. If the entered key is correct, the notification “The license key is valid. Your license will expire on XXXX-XX-XX” will be displayed in the upper left corner of the page.

11.2. Manage License Settings

Use the “Manage License Settings” option to change your license settings. Click the “Login to Client Area” button to open your personal Client Area dashboard located on the website. Browse and download purchased products, change the license domain and copy the license keys.

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