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Latest Posts plugin is a fast way to display recent articles on your WordPress website. Display posts from a single category in the widget. Include post date, post author, reading time, featured image, excerpt, and comments counter. Promote your latest articles and connect your visitors with useful content today!

Install the plugin, activate it and add the appropriate widget in the Appearance > Widgets section.


Except the main information, such as title, image, excerpt content, you can show or hide additional info such as post date, author, reading time, comments number, featured image, and excerpt.


You can configure global settings depending on your needs.



Also, configure widgets as you want to achive the necessary result:


This way, your visitors will get a quick access to all recent news, webinars and events from your blog.

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If you have a feature, suggestion or idea you’d like to see in the plugin, we’d love to hear about it! Suggest a Feature

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