Categories Web Development


The task of the project was to implement additional settings to the functional of the multi-siteю The following tasks have been done during the development: 1. the possibility to change the font; users are able to view it in the preview mode; 2. the library “colorpicker” was connected in order to change the color scheme from the admin panel; 3. the possibility to add 3 text blocks to the header of the website with the option to edit fonts was implemented; 4. the possibility to upload the background image from the admin panel; 5. the additional block was created in the admin panel. This block allows to change the background color of the slider using “colorpicker”. Also, users are able to change the color of the text in the slider on the home page; 6. the contact form (that uses the plugin cforms) was fixed. Initially, when adding the form to the page, the error was displayed but the form was not displayed. We customized the plugin a bit in order to fix this issue. 7. the possibility to upload the background image for the whole website selecting its position (top left, top center, top right, center left, center, right center, left bottom, bottom center, right bottom) was implemented; 8. the possibility to add buttons was implemented. Users can select one of two variants of the buttons. When clicking on the necessary variant the window with the settings appears where users are able to stylize the button; 9. the fourth variant of the filling of the header was implemented in the admin panel. In this fourth variant users can divide the header into 3 parts (blocks) – users can add any content to the first 2 blocks; the work of the plugin Flexi Quote Rotator is automatically implemented that scrolls this content.

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