http://theloden.com/ website provides to a user information about the company dealing with hotel business. Website was developed from scratch based on provided PSD layered design. A number of custom adjustments were done for the project and a special mobile website was developed. The main task was to make the website simple and easy to use. It also had to display correctly at all modern mobile devices. While working both at the web and mobile portions of the website special custom Wordpress themes were developed. Mobile website was developed with regards of the fact of having "fluid" width. Menu is developed in such a way so if a parent has submenu then this parent is a button for opening a list of submenus. In case if parent doesn't have a submenu then it is a direct link to itself. In admin panel of WordPress at the section of pages editing there is a field implemented for uploading of background image. For each page it could be different. Also a gallery is implemented which also has fluid height and width for displaying of the images.