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Subscriber Pro plugin is a premium newsletter plugin that adds a subscription form to your website. It is an exclusive add-on to Sender Plugin, which lets your readers subscribe to newsletters coming from your website. It is a great tool for sharing your ideas, as well as to promote your business. Subscriber Pro plugin is a huge time-saver that will help you get more traffic customers and sales with your email list.


Just a couple of clicks – and Subscriber Pro is ready to do its job.

5 Minutes for Setup

Subscriber Pro offers brief and simple settings page that even a child can handle. Just don’t forget to add this simple shortcode [sbscrbr_form] to your post, page or widget, as it is said at the top of the page.

Subscriber Pro Settings Page

Write Anything You Want

Add any content you wish to see in your newsletter. It all depends on the goals of your website. The signup form is fully customizable and simple, so you can add any text you want to it.

Letters Content Option on the Settings page

Add a Widget

Add ‘Subscriber Form Registration’ widget, in which your site visitors can subscribe to your newsletters.

Subscriber Widget Settings

Just paste this shortcode [sbscrbr_form] to display the Subscribe Form in a post, page or widget content.

Subscribe Form in the Frontend of a Website

Find New Clients and Manage Your Subscribers

You can manage the list of subscribers in Users > Subscribers. Subscriber Pro allows collecting your visitors email addresses with this fancy window. See tabs for subscribed and unsubscribed users, as well as the blacklist and trash.

Subscribers List in the Admin Panel

Remove the “Unsubscribe” Checkbox

Subscriber Pro version allows you to disable the “unsubscribe” checkbox.

Unsubscribe Checkbox on the Settings Page

Your visitors will not see it in your post or page anymore.

Subscriber Form in the Frontend

Advanced List of Unsubscribed Users

Subscriber Pro comes with an advanced list of unsubscribed users, which allows you to see the reason for unsubscribing, as well as the way a user unsubscribed.

The List of Unsubscribed Users

Subscriber Pro provides unlimited opportunities to find subscribers, attract readers and eventually get new clients! This plugin makes important things happen for your online marketing, such as social networking, promoting ads, and more.

Please note: Subscriber plugin is an exclusive ADD-ON to Sender Plugin developed by BestWebSoft. So it would make sense to have both plugins installed and activated.

Subscriber Pro:

Sender Pro:

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