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Addons to Advanced Custom Fields

By giving you all the tools to do more with your data, Advanced Custom Fields converts WordPress sites into a full-fledged content management system.

It allows you to take full control of your WordPress edit screens and custom field data. Add fields as needed. Using field builder, you can quickly and easily add fields to WP edit screens with only a few clicks!

And put them wherever you like. Fields can be added to posts, users, taxonomic terms, media, comments, and even custom options pages in WordPress!

PDF & Print plugin

PDF & Print is a fantastic WordPress plugin that works with any form of post, even custom ones. You can also produce PDF documents for your archive and search pages, as well as a portfolio. The position of the buttons, like the template of a PDF document, is easily changeable based on personal preferences. Finally, PDF & Print allows you to use a shortcode to save time.

In addition to the aforementioned advantages, any developer who purchases the Pro version will gain access to a plethora of valuable tools, including the Advanced Custom Fields plugin.

To gain the benefits first, you need to install both plugins. After this is done:

1. Enable the “Advanced Custom Fields” options to include available custom fields and their names into the PDF document.

Addons to Advanced Custom Fields

2. Done. After saving changes the necessary custom fields will be displayed in the PDF document. Simple as that!

Addons to Advanced Custom Fields


Multilanguage is a plugin that made to make any element of your website localizable. It has options for automatic or, if you prefer, manual translation of your pages to any language you may want.

Naturally, it works just as fine with Advanced Custom Fields as with any other element. No additional settings are required. Just put your custom fields on a page and sit up the Multilanguage plugin as usual.

The result may look as follows:


With over a million installations, Advanced Custom Fields is a very popular WordPress plugin. ACF is a free plugin that allows you to add arbitrary fields to a record using a user-friendly interface (rather than conventional WP fields) and a variety of settings.

What are the benefits of using Custom Fields? The standard options are extremely limited. On the small stuff, you can use title, text, post thumbnails, show headings, and the rest.

Using specific interface features, Advanced Custom Fields makes working with user-defined WordPress fields easier.

BestWebSoft provides users of Advanced Custom Fields with a toolbox of plugins to enhance their user experience.

By giving you all the tools to do more with your data, Advanced Custom Fields converts WordPress sites into a full-fledged content management system.

It allows you to take full control of your WordPress edit screens and custom field data. Add fields as needed. Using field builder, you can quickly and easily add fields to WP edit screens with only a few clicks!

And put them wherever you like. Fields can be added to posts, users, taxonomic terms, media, comments, and even custom options pages in WordPress!

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