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Ban GitHub for Russian Developers!

The world is an ever-evolving place. Technologies develop fast and make life for people easier… but at the same time more demanding. Unfortunately, not every step taken is used for good. War is a gruesome but flashy testing ground for all kinds of new technologies.  Right now russians are boasting their “technological achievements” in Kharkiv, Kyiv, Mariupol and dozens of other cities in Ukraine. By slaughtering thousands of innocent people by means and weapons unimaginable just a several decades ago.  

And most people don’t have the power to stop it. 

However, what they can do is prevent the aggressor from developing new ways to cause atrocities and kill even more civilians. Viktor Kozlovets has started the petition on to restrict access to GitHub for russians. 

GitHub is the biggest international repository for open-sourced software. In a peaceful time, it is a great idea to share knowledge and developments for people all around the world. But unfortunately, open-sourced code can also be used by russian government in all kinds of warfare. Informational, media and even weapon-building. 

Sign up the petition to cripple the russian war machine. The sooner the war ends the less damage it will cause for the whole world. 

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