The site petsitting– provides services which are related to questions of breeding, care and support in the education of pets. The site was created on the Wordpress CMS and it is using the Genesis theme. The task was to implement new functionality, which provides users with simple and easy implementation of some elements on the site. The list of works: During the work, we created the separate section for data filling in the settings section of Genesis theme in the admin panel of Wordpress. This data should be displayed in the specially created widgets. The created widgets: 1)The Facebook Likebox widget. We implemented the custom field in the admin panel of Wordpress (Facebook URL), on which user entered URL of account on Facebook. The data from this field was placed in the specially created widget (Facebook Likebox), which displays the block Facebook Likebox with all necessary data using the filled data with URL. 2)The ASKBOX widget. We implemented the separate section for data input, which should be displayed in this widget. This section has 6 fields. Three fields for text input and three fields for links input, which the fields with text should refer to. The data is placed in the specially created widget (ASKBOX Widget) and is displayed on the site. 3)The Footer Custom Images Widget. We implemented the separate section for data input, which should be displayed in this widget. This section has 6 divisions by 3 fields. The first field is intended to upload and choose images, the second field contains the tag “alt” value for images, the third field is intended to input hyperlinks to initial images. It allows user to upload up to 6 images, which are displayed in the special created widget (The Footer Custom Images Widget).

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