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Surely, every one of us wants to create a pretty cute website. So we are keeping our eyes peeled on new website-design solutions, that may improve the interactive part of our content.

The simplest variant is to use galleries. The Gallery on WordPress is a custom collection of page graphical content such as photos, illustrations, and even a video material, that is displayed in different ways. The other thing is that the user can vary the style of the gallery from post to post, creating by that unique and authentic look for the very website.

Who are WordPress Galleries for?

The simplest variant is to use galleries. The Gallery on WordPress is a custom collection of page graphical content such as photos, illustrations, and even a video material, that is displayed in different ways. The other thing is that the user can vary the style of the gallery from post to post, construct an exclusive look for the very website.

Every person wants to create something really interesting, tries to water the text with the photos or images, or sometimes just to share the beautiful sights. No doubts that the picturesque message will be accepted by the audience, but adding multiple images in a post can make it look cluttered and force the visitor to scroll down in order to get the information he is here for. 

So galleries are the possibility to give some air and space for the blog. The other thing is to use different layouts to create the charmant post, that will not leave anyone indifferent.

Galleries are intended for a wide range of users. Everybody can use it and profit from it. For the photographers, it gives a chance to share their works with the world without quality loss.

The people, who are fond of some hobbies, may share their vision with the others. The artists, for example, can create amazing virtual exhibitions. 

On the other hand, Galleries may be used even for business needs. even the simple-styled gallery can serve as a means to show the product appearance on online-shops. 

The Default Gallery 

WordPress block editor has a built-in feature, that is aimed to create simple image galleries, just with tools of the media library. The gallery creation via built-in functions is very easy and does not have a lot of settings. So it can be not very different from post to post. 

You must simply create a new post or page and insert the Gallery feature there. 

You can select what images will be displayed and even change the order of them using the drag and drop feature. 

Depending on the theme, there are several alignment options such as align left, center, align right, wide width, and full width. The basic thumbnail layout gives users the option to have their images displayed in up to 8 columns.  

The Benefits of Plugins Usage

While many people continue to use the standard WordPress editor gallery – the additional plugins give the brand a new look for the websites. Still, the featured WordPress gallery does the necessary functions. It is very limited in functionality and can not be customized as you may need it to be.

It is very theme-depending, so even the layouts for the gallery are connected to the theme layout. The other point is non-clickable images, so users can not open the image in a new page to see the details or to download it. And the main cons is that galleries aren’t saved so they must be recreated if used again.  

The main thing why you should use the plugin for galleries is that they are in most cases easy to use and quick to set up. 

What is more, plugins can give the opportunity to store and customize the galleries independently. You can choose what and where to place, what color to set and change the image order by a few clicks. 

The thing is to find the plugin that will satisfy all your needs.

The Gallery by BestWebSoft Plugin 

The Gallery plugin by BestWebSoft is the very full responsive solution for your website or blog. With it, you can easily create amazing galleries just as you want it. Add an unlimited number of images to your gallery, create albums and categories, add comments, change appearance – all these and much more is that you can get with our Gallery plugin.

Combining all the features that you may like to have – Gallery plugin offers you all you can dream about:

  • Unlimited number of albums, gallery categories, and images in the album;
  • Gallery widget;
  • Ability to add the gallery to slider;
  • Selection of albums layout;
  • Different sort orders;
  • And much more.

The simplicity of management is manifested in the ability to configure a single gallery, when it is needed, or just apply global settings to all your galleries to save time in the future.

Moreover, the social sharing feature makes the plugin worth to use, because of the share-ability. That is an amazing thing for businesses to move on their product between consumers via Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.  


Doubtless, it is important to create unique and one-style content for the website. At the same time, appearance also plays a role in the perception of the web resource. So the authors and blog-owner must be sure that the content that they created is easy to read and to concede. Galleries are the way to dash the dry text content and give birth to the new one. Exiting features of the Gallery by BestWebSoft will please the consumer, despite all the needs that he may have. 

Follow the modern demands and stay on the bleeding-edge with us. Good luck!

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