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To consider the basics is a crucial point while working with WordPress as in any matter. The nowadays diversity and freedom in WordPress sites design can cause a temptation to plunge into extravagance which in its turn can seriously harm the usability. In the end it can turn up that you`ve made the site totally inconvenient to navigate through and you haven`t reached one of the main aims in site creation – bringing customers.

Certainly, it is laudable to use your creativity while building a WordPress website, especially at the beginning. However, there is a list of time-tested procedures which will undoubtedly lead you to an efficient result:

Emphasizing the Prominent Idea of the Site

First of all, it is necessary to be sure that the structure of the blog facilitates the conveyance of the main brand message to the user. The first essential step is to decide upon the idea and the concept of the site, even before starting creating the design. So, the most important task is to make your site resonate with its idea completely and to make this two issues complementing each other.

Make a Roadmap that Meets the Client Requests

Creativity is usually welcome in site building, but it should not disregard the client demands and wishes. All in all, the main aim of the site is to pitch the business and bring the numbers. Design is not the first-rate purpose but a means of purpose attainment. In the long run, clients are impressed by numbers and not by the beauty of the site.
The point is in achieving success and the website should be the keystone of it. Usually the concept “success” is measured in the number of customers gained due to the site.

Thus, the work with the site should be done in terms of the exact objectives elaborated from the idea of the project.

Decide on the Type of its Realisation – Applying Conversions or Creating the Website from Scratch

In general, the WordPress site has several ways to be built. There is a more time-consuming way to start from the scratch and a relatively shorter one to convert a design file into a WordPress template.
Also the third variant is possible – to convert existing HTML site into one on a WordPress. The advantage of HTML site in converting into WordPress is in a combination of readymade features which facilitate the conversion and of enough room for innovations and modifications. Besides, PSD designs are time-tried and give a better idea of reshaping them into an intended template.

This type of conversion has been very popular due to the visually appealing result and a high level of responsiveness. The last point is a team of experienced professionals and your templates will be your trump card.

Add Some Plugins and Tools to Make your Site Perfect

It`s not a secret that the WordPress plugins can improve your site significantly. Plugins give you a big advantage in a swiftly developing modern world where the competitive ability is half the battle.

Besides the prevailing plugins such as Google Analytics, Jetpack or SEO Yoast there are many others which are less popular but still highly useful. For example among those should be mentioned:

  • Gallery – allows to organize pictures on your website into albums and galleries in the easiest way. A lot of additional options will help you to achieve perfect results.
  • Contact Form – add contact form on your site which doesn’t require any additional settings, though there are some available options.

An incredibly important part of your site is the appropriate high-quality content, no matter whether it`s your site or your client`s one. The client should fully realize that the good and proper content is probably the only way to get noticed by Google search.

Thankfully, WordPress a priori has a stamp in the web and choosing it already gives you a priority over others. What is left is to follow the rules and advice in building a site and you are sentenced for success indeed.

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