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Author: Anna

To be short, the Theme system of WordPress is a simple instrument to format your personal blog. However, it is designed not only for formatting. Changing your website design means to change visual effects. The WordPress Theme system provides the possibility to control over the content and “skin” of the page.


The WordPress Theme system is a number of files which are aimed to produce perfect visual effects with unified design-making system. These tools are called template files. The Theme system establishes the way of how the page is shown without changing the engine of website. It may include image files (for e.x.*.jpg, *.gif), custompages, customized template files, code files (*.php) as well as style sheets (*.css).

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In WordPress, there are a lot of different Gallery plugins, and it is hard for a regular user to pick one of them. First of all, user has to determine the main features that he or she wants to get from the Gallery, and then, he should choose the most appropriate plugin. User can define the right plugin by comparison of rates, installing process, features, developers, and customer’s reviews.

Best WordPress Gallery Plugins

This  review will compare BestWebSoft Gallery, NextGen Gallery, Slideshow Gallery, and Grand Flagallery plugins.

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WordPress should always be updated to the latest version. You will receive a message informing about an update in your WordPress Admin Screens whenever a new version of WordPress is released. In order to update the system, you have to click the link included in the message.

Wordpress update

WordPress can be updated in two ways, so you are free to choose the one that best suits your needs. One-click update is the easiest method, which will work fine for the majority of people. However, in case WordPress fails to upgrade, or you wish to participate more actively, the update process can be performed manually.

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Blog is the shortened variant of the word “weblog”. This term means the website where information is provided in the form of constantly updated column. The key elements of every blog are links to posts or videos from other sites and chronological time comments and they are usually represented in the form of records in the opposite timeline. Blogs may have various topics from personal to economical and they also can be aimed to one particular item or to the wide range of items.

Introduction to blogging

A lot of blogs concentrate on a certain subjects like travels, politic, home decor, or IT technologies. Some of them are more general and providing links to other sites of different orientations. And blogs are kind of  personal diaries, introducing everyday situations and ideas of the author.

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