Spam on contact forms is an annoyance for all website owners. Spambots will continue to target your site, clogging your inbox with meaningless messages, no matter how big or tiny it is.
This is a waste of time because you’ll have to sift through hundreds of thousands of messages to flag or remove obvious spam, then figure out if the rest are real people or bots impersonating them.
Spambots are computer programs that are programmed to transmit useless data to your contact form or email registration form. They’re seeking for a means to take over your website, server, or email account so they can send spam. Worse, they may steal your email list, giving them a large number of individuals to spam.
Using a WordPress plugin, there are numerous ways to prevent contact form spam.
Caldera Form is one of the most popular WordPress plugins on the market, and, of course, it requires additional anti-spam and anti-bot security. Let’s take a look at what you can do to keep spam out of your Caldera Form.
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