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The main sense of sitemap plugins

The work on the optimization of search results is rather massive, it includes the fulfillment of tasks in different branches of this field. As a rule, the developers start this process with the setting of a sitemap because this element can be justly defined as the most important one for SEO of any site, developed on WordPress. For this purpose one could confidently recommend to set up a sitemap plugin, which could generate the links for your posts and submit them to search engines automatically, thus making the indexation process of your pages and posts considerably faster.

If your site possesses any videos or images, placed on your blog, you need to generate the sitemap for each of them separately. Both images and videos may win a lot of visitors for you if their optimization has been done correctly.
If you turn to the choice of such plugins, you’ll see that WordPress offers a great variety of them. Here is a brief overview of the most popular ones.

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The harsh reality of our time is that a small business can be easily lost compared to the real “giants” in a particular market share. Usually, small companies don’t have overwhelming funds for aggressive promotion and a team of marketing specialists. This situation can be entirely fair but still unfortunate for small brands.

Nowadays, the web can help every small setup to solve this trouble. The idea is to develop and marketize an outstanding, unique website for the startup or a fresh business. In this way, it can be promoted not only on the streets but also on the Internet and social media. So, this approach doubles the chance your company will be noticed among thousands of competitors.  Read More…

In today’s world when spam mass mailing containing hundreds of thousands of messages can be distributed within a few minutes and a vast botnet of thousands of hacked machines can be aimed at your contact forms and login credentials, there is an urge for having an additional layer of defense.

That’s why we’ve created reCaptcha plugin for WordPress. This plugin is a reliable measure of protection against possible spam and brute force attacks. Read More…