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Category: WordPress plugins


Let’s look at the question, why does a perfectly tuned system sometimes fail? Everything is under the control, everything under the scrutiny of the hosting services, figured out, forgot nothing, but opening the site it’s loaded longer than should be. 

In 2015 was conducted research, the results showed that over the past few years, people have stopped focusing on anything for longer than 7 seconds. Although the previous figure was 12 seconds. Could we not to pay attention to the delay in page loading in some 2 seconds? Studies show that even a delay of 1 second leads low the conversions, low the page views, and low customer satisfaction.

How do you think the best is the enemy of the good? Let’s try to remove the reasons that could make your site slow response time, one by one.

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The number of members in your community can be made to grow with the use of WordPress plugins. Now we are discussing some of them and not only, focused on ratings, reviews and available functions.

We bring to your attention the perfect combination of tools that provoke an increase in the number of participants in your community in WordPress:

  • Applying plugins that integrate seamlessly with WordPress
  • Using custom content rules and principles

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In today’s world when spam mass mailing containing hundreds of thousands of messages can be distributed within a few minutes and a vast botnet of thousands of hacked machines can be aimed at your contact forms and login credentials, there is an urge for having an additional layer of defense.

That’s why we’ve created reCaptcha plugin for WordPress. This plugin is a reliable measure of protection against possible spam and brute force attacks. Read More…

It won’t be a joke to say that customer service is the key to a successful business nowadays. Deploying the contact form is one of those “bricks” to build a profitable customer service strategy. Contact form helps to establish the connection between a company and a customer. Website owners might use this element for various purposes: to gather feedback from users, as a way of communication with job applicants, for technical and customer support, and even as a subscription tab. Read More…